I really thought she would be one of those horses that lived forever. If she hadn't hurt her hind fetlock, we would have still be having rides. But as I was pulled in so many directions, I was too busy to ride anyway, so she was my[...]
I really thought she would be one of those horses that lived forever. If she hadn't hurt her hind fetlock, we would have still be having rides. But as I was pulled in so many directions, I was too busy to ride anyway, so she was my[...]
New riders being enthused about getting a horse isn't a new thing. When someone takes up riding, the all-consuming question on their mind is, "When should I get a horse?" If they are at all familiar with horses, they probably have some[...]
With a foot of snow dropping in Virginia, it's official. It's winter, my least favorite time of year. I don't like being cold, I don't like the wind, and I hate emerging from my carefully crafted nest (I'm part hamster.) I do like c[...]
I've had these kids going on 6 years now, which is quite a long time. Although it really is true what they say, the days are slow but the years are fast. It went by at lightning speed. In the beginning, my brain was total mush from[...]
Very, very long time readers will remember that once upon a time, I had chickens. They were mentioned a lot, I even wrote down the history of their colony, admittedly, I did exaggerate slightly. Reading over that again, I really h[...]
I haven't been able to ride much over the past few years. It's been sporadic at best. This is the life of a parent though, kids take a lot of attention that may otherwise be used for riding. Now that my kids are old enough to func[...]
Horses in other countries fascinate me. Growing up in the US, even in my specific region on the east coast has given me very specific ideas of how horses should be raised. But even in different areas of the USA, which is huge, by th[...]
Gem Twist was argueably one of the most famous show horses of all time. Even if your non-horsie friends might know him, although not for his show record. They might know him because he was cloned. In a marvel of how far science has co[...]
For the 20th (30th? 40th?) time, I see the same post on my feed. "16h perfect horse for sale!! She's great in every way, why won't some one buy her? NO TIRE KICKERS" This is paraphrased on purpose, I'm keeping it vague. I haven't[...]
Poison ivy and I go way back. But, they don't go further back than my horses. I never truly experienced poison ivy until I got horses. The poison ivy problem started with them, and they have been forever linked. It's completely possib[...]