1. I have a product recommendation! I bought this serum off of Groupon, and it is amazing. Perfect for anyone (like me) desperate to hold on to their fleeting youth.
Seems to work well. I feel like my face is smoother. I don’t know any technical terms to describe how I like it. I just do. I’m stocking up on it before the sale ends.
2. How did a movie that glorifies an abusive relationship become #1 on the box office? Seriously, this movie has a 4.0 on IMDB. The better question is, how did a book that glorifies an abusive relationship become so popular? My annoyance with it has nothing to do with the sex. It has to do with him wanting to control every aspect of her life, keeping her from her friends, stalking her, showing up places she doesn’t want him, forcing her into uncomfortable situations, etc. And just within a week of meeting him. No rational girl would think anything other than “creep” at meeting him. But I guess since he’s rich and attractive, it’s okay?
Jenny Reads 50 Shades – I think this link is pretty well spread around on the internet, but just in case, I had to share. By far one of the best write ups. My husband and I downloaded the audio and listened to it on the way to work. He, as a man, was disgusted. “Women like men to do that??” he said frequently.
A much better version of 50 Shades – shorter read, very funny.
Okay, I think I’m done talking about that now.
3. I started a cake decorating class a few weeks ago, but failed to mention it. I kept wanting to write about it, but I never took any pictures of my decorating skills, and it seemed like it would be a lame post without pictures.
Luckily, at my last class, shortly after my husband got hit by a car, he took some pictures of a cake I decorated.
Also, my husband got hit by a car. He was exiting a store, walked past a parked car that suddenly backed out of its space. It hit my husband and knocked him to the ground. Luckily, the driver realized it and stopped, but then he/she proceed to floor it forward, going right over a concrete parking bar. What kind of person hits someone, and then just drives away without even checking to make sure they are okay? Sickening.
Husband seems to be okay. Against my protests he did not call the cops. He should have. He says there were no witnesses, no cameras (he asked the store), and he did not even see what kind of car it was, let alone the license.
I would have called anyway.
4. It’s cold. This is the time of year where I wish I did not have animals outside. The chicken water freezes, so I have to bring them warm water several times a day. It was so windy yesterday that all the hay I put out for the horses blew into the woods. What a waste.
I’d love to see more of your cakes! Hopefully hubs doesn’t have to get hit every time…that totally stinks.
So so so ready for this cold to be gone. Bracing for the storm we’re supposed to get tonight 🙁
hellomyliviaI know 🙁 I just went to harris teeter and it was crazy there! Although I can’t really talk, since I was there too…Not looking forward to a low of -7 on Thursday! I really hope that changes.
CourtneyNoooo the cold needs to go away…poor pony is getting way too much time off 🙁
Susan Friedland-Smith
Glad hubby is okay. And I’m totally in agreement on the movie/book. The humor columinst/author Dave Barry had a great review of the book. Hilarious and laser sharp.
Susan Friedland-SmithThanks for the thoughts on hubby. I’ll have to look up his column. I love Dave Barry!
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