It snowed over the weekend.

So peaceful
So naturally, we were the terrible neighbors that ruined everyone’s peaceful snow day. Dave just got a second ATV. We had to take it out.

This is me

This is Dave
We had a grand adventure!
For about 20 minutes anyway… But as it turns out, while these helmets might protect our head in the event of a fall, they did nothing to protect against the horrible snow. Every snowflake felt like a tiny dagger piercing into my cheek.
On Sunday, it warmed up. The main reason this made me happy is because my barn water pipes have been frozen for the last week, forcing me to carry buckets of water to the horses.
The happiest moment of my Sunday was when I turned on the hydrant, and the water flowed out. It was beautiful. But, my happiest quickly turned to W-T-F as I discovered that my beloved hose, that’s been through so much with me, somehow cracked and was spraying water all over the place. I feel foolish even writing this, but because my hose felt almost like part of the family, I did not have a backup hose.
The only solution I could think of :

Spewing water hose filled those buckets in record time.
Spewing water hose also left a giant puddle, which I had to drain…with a bucket… one scoop at a time.

Vintage ignored the lake forming near her. She doesn’t concern herself with the troubles of others.
I feel betrayed by my old hose. That hose and I have been through a lot these past years. It may have come with the house, but I treated it like one of my own, nurturing the hose, draining it after every use, and hanging it up. That’s actually all the hose nurturing I can think of, but what must one do to keep a hose from suddenly spewing out at a time when I need it most?!
You broke my heart, hose.
The only positive of this is that now I have an excuse to go to Tractor Supply because OMG it’s Chick Days now!!!!!!!!!!!