This past weekend was the Old People Riding Club Rally. It was a great reason to spend very little money and get Berry some show experience. She was a little crazy the first day, but on the second day, she was acting like it was nothing. She was such a good girl!
The first day was probably 50 degrees and windy, so of course I felt like I was somewhere in the arctic. We did the super hard classes of a ground pole course, and gamblers choice ground pole course. And we did this because I have evolved into one of those creatures that is afraid to jump without my trainer being present. I feel like I made the right choice though, because one of the 18 inch jumps was a three bar oxer. How is that even possible!?

A hush falls over the crowd as we enter the ring. There is nothing as dramatic as a ground pole jumper course.

We evaluate the complicated course. After doing a loop around the rail, it does an S shaped pattern. An exercise in remembering two basic maneuvers.

As we go around the turn, out of no where, the scariest possible thing lunges out at Berry. RUN BERRY RUN! (this was after the actually shy, but she’s still giving it the eyeball)

After shying away from the horrible gate, we continued down the line near it.

As she bravely takes on the flower boxes, the crowd erupts in applause much greater than you would expect at a tiny schooling show. It was a totally unexpected turn of events!
Since the shy took added 30 seconds to our time, we did not place at all, except for a place in my heart for her being a mostly good girl. In the gambler’s choice, I just went around the loop until the timer ran out, landing me in 5th place. I was given a choice to do the bonus crossrail to add 30 points, but that thing had pumpkins under it. I can see why pumpkins are a halloween decoration now, because those things are scary!

Innocent gourd, or HORSE EATING MONSTER?!?
I had signed up for a trail class too, but I wasn’t feeling it. When I walked the course, there was a really sharp turn at a trot after some raised poles that I didn’t think Berry could handle. She handles more like semi than a sports car, I’d need at least 8 more feet to make that turn. Additionally, I didn’t want to overwhelm poor Berry – she was being a good girl, and I’d like to keep it that way.
Even with only doing the two classes, it was still a fun day. It was a good experience for Berry, and I learned why I need a stopper on my new martingale. She still looks pretty snazzy with it though!
Even though it was a ground pole jumper course, I’m kind of liking the idea of the timing. Maybe some other very low level jumper courses will be in our future!
On Sunday, there were the pleasure classes and dressage, but I’ll be back tomorrow with that report!