Berry’s birthday was yesterday. She is now 7 years old.
Pony was a bit disgruntled, possibly because I completely forgot about his birthday. His birthday was exactly one week ago. He just turned 5. Sorry Pony. I’ll do something for you at a later time.
Not that he would appreciate it, of course. It was surprisingly difficult to get these horses laid. Vintage was honking and was very upset at the thought of it going over her head. She also found Berry’s new horn slightly terrifying.
Pony was being such a snot, he was actually rearing up trying to get away from me. I will give him credit for rearing up, and turning from me, and not punching me with his tiny hooves like my other former horse. But still, he forgets that he’s a tiny pony, and I can knock him over. Also, I found it quite rude. It’s an essential part of horse training for them to tolerate getting a lei put on them. I’m pretty sure I heard that from one of those big name trainers. You know, the one that’s really big and trains horses.

He now wears his lei with dignity. I’m a little jealous of how photogenic my pony is…
He was also very confused by Berry’s hat.
In fact, it seemed like the only one very pleased with her hat was, of course, Berry herself.

Berry stands on Vintage’s lead rope, and then starts playing with it. Vintage becomes increasingly upset by the hat in her face. I laughed for like 10 minutes.
And then afterward, Berry was sad it was over. Or possibly she was sad it even took place.

She’s a sad clown.
And then Vintage got the lei stuck on her head, and I laughed once more. She was pretty upset, but she seemed to handle it well.
I feel like I must be a terrible owner, because all I do is laugh at my horses in peril. Oh well…