My fall is getting more and more packed. I think this may end up being one of the busiest falls I’ve ever had. But, that’s totally fine, it finally feels like I’m a full blown adult, planning out my life months in advance. Who knew that eventually that would happen?!
So, here are some awesome highlights I’m really looking forward to –
I’m aware it’s not fall yet, but today, the date of this post, I’m currently in Raleigh, NC. I was supposed to go to Miami, but it got switched, and I was sad. But whatever, I mean, Raleigh doesn’t have any beaches, water, palm trees, or exotic mansions to explore, but it’s totally cool, I don’t mind one bit. NOT ONE BIT.
This means I probably won’t have anything to share about this trip… I have no idea what’s in Raleigh. Or maybe I’ll realize there is something super cool, and I will share.
Next up, I’m going to Key West! I’m so excited about this trip, and I will definitely have things to share about this! I’m still planning out exactly what we will be doing, and it’s a bit tricky because Dave had surgery on his arm recently, and I’m not sure what he’s allowed to do yet. Originally we were thinking jet skiing, but that might hurt his arm…so we will see. But I’m planning to bring my snorkeling gear, even if it means I’m snorkeling alone. At least I’ll have a designated picture taker, am I right?!
My dear friend’s little baby is turning one this fall, and I’m going to take his baby pictures. I’m so flattered that she would allow me to photograph such an important time in their lives, and I’m so greatful for the opportunity. It’s not something I have experience doing, so we’ll be doing a practice shoot, and then on to the real thing! Fingers crossed it turns out well! (Which seems likely, he’s a pretty cute little guy, it’d be almost impossible to mess it up. The pressure is on!)
Next up in travel, I’m going to Germany in November!! I have D’Arcy to thank for this entirely… Thank you D’Arcy, you are so wonderful and gracious and amazing! We’re going to have a truly amazing time and I’m so excited! She’s also kindly agreed to see an absurd amount of castles with me. I like castles, what can I say. You’d better believe that there will be an explosion of media from this trip, and I’m looking forward to sharing photos and videos!
Finally, bringing the babies home! Stu and Olivet will be coming home in December. We’ll be prepping all fall to have everything ready for them to settle in with ease!
Scattered throughout all this with no set date is…
- Opportunities at work – I’ve worked in government contracting my entire professional life, so switching to a non-profit this last year was a huge change for me. But, I was still amazed at how much opportunity there is to move outside my comfort zone to step up and fill roles. I’m really excited to continue expanding my role, and developing my career.
- Starting up lessons once I get a trailer. When will this happen? Who knows. But eventually this will happen! My Dave is very supportive and has declared I will have a new one before October! Thanks for making my goals your goals, my love!
- Picture opportunities. I got a new camera a few weeks ago, and I’ve been slavishly devoted to finding new picture opportunities. Hopefully this will manifest itself soon on the blog!
That’s a pretty rough idea of what I have going on this fall. I’m already looking towards winter/spring too, but nothing finalized there!
What are you looking forward to the most this fall?