Holy smokes, I’m still alive! I feel like I haven’t posted in forever! I’m still kickin’ though… just haven’t been feeling inspired to write anything, despite things happening, and me thinking, “man, I should blog about that.”
Well, I’ll start with my favorite thing to happen recently – I went to a benefit gala!

There were lots of great spots for photos… and yet I really only got this one. Good thing I really like this photo!
The Side Saddle Chase Foundation is a non-profit with the goal of education about side saddle riding, and land preservation. I’ve never tried side saddle, although I’m not opposed to trying it one day. However, land preservation is very dear to me. I watched the area around my parent’s farm turn into a weird suburbia hybrid, and the area around my property lost all our open trails. My neighbor told me she used to be able to ride for miles in all direction. I got a few months of a little trail near my house before that too was closed. Land is the only thing that no one is making more of. It continues to be swallowed up by urban spawl, and once that land is developed, it will never be converted back.
I feel like my love of dressing fancy n’ shit is well documented, so I really loved dressing up for this. Where else was I going to wear this fabulous Sachin and Babi dress?!? It’d just look weird if I wore it to work! It was a black tie event, but Dave doesn’t have a tuxedo. At this point, I think we’re going to have to buy him one. Thank goodness male fashion barely changes.

My second date, who I can always count on to dress up with me.
It was a beautiful evening of oysters, cocktails, whiskey tasting, dinner and dancing. Also, fun fact, it took place at a farm I used to ride at in high school. My friend boarded her horse there! Back then, it was just a lovely bank barn with some fields. We’d get her horse, get the horse I leased from across the street, and trail ride all over the place. It was a pretty awesome time. So, as we are driving up to the venue, I keep telling Dave, this is near where I used to ride! Then, it turned out, it was exactly where I used to ride! There have been some pretty big changes though – the bank barn has been updated and is fully equipped for parties. I never went in the house as a kid, but it was gorgeous. It was a fully renovated house from the 1800’s, and I loved it. Screw open concept, I want that house. THAT EXACT HOUSE. It was the definition of Virginia fox hunting county house – stone mudroom, grand entryway with staircase, molding everywhere… it’s my dream house. I should have taken photos!
It was lovely taking to the current owners about the property. They bought it about a year after I stopped riding there. A lovely couple, and during the auction we bid on going to dinner with them, but sadly we lost. Hopefully we will see them again at another event.
And speaking of other events, I really hope this gala is an annual event! I have a lot of dresses I need to use. Also, it was fun. A++, well done. The only thing I’m still waiting on is the official pictures. The local newspaper was there taking photos, but I still haven’t seen anything! That’s likely due to my expectations of instant gratification though… I will try to be patient.