I am going to build my own riding arena.
I am going to build my own riding arena.
I was planning to do a different post today, about my happy Christmas. But instead, I spend the morning caring for my constipated horse, so I'm going to tell you about that instead. We returned from vacation late on Sunday. I went down to check the horses, and they were alive, but their[...]
On Thanksgiving, I was talking about a course I had taken in college, and decided to look for the course materials. It was like opening a treasure chest. My old bedroom had been converted into a general use room, making it hard to remember how it looked when I was a teenager living there. But I sta[...]
See part one here and part two here. A friend of ours is coming down for a weekend soon, and he's bringing a lady friend with him. The lady friend heard we have horses and wanted to go riding. I love going riding, and I love taking people riding, so that is great. But I had to ask how much riding[...]
This was originally going to be a video, but I don't feel like I'm talented enough on camera to inflict that on the world. Maybe as the pony's training progresses, I will try again. Since this was all from video, I have tons of screen captures! This will be exciting to share! How to Train Your Pon[...]
I spent some time with Berry, as I often do. I wanted to appreciate our time together, but she decided the best activity we could do is get excited and leap gracefully through the air. Unfortunately she's not particularly graceful, nor athletic. The excitement was short lived. Then all she co[...]
This is well known. Horses poop, and they poop a lot. They have no shame about pooping, and will poop whenever and wherever they feel like. Sometimes they have little quirks - my appaloosa mare will never poop while being ridden. She's too much of a lady to do that. My pony poops in neat little pil[...]
I feel like there are a lot of misconceptions about horses and horse people in general. There's a belief that if someone has horses, they are wealthy, often stuck up, and just generally unpleasant people. I want to quell the rumor mill and set the record straight. This will end up being a series of[...]