We all love horses and find beauty in their form. At least, I assume you must, if you are here. You might also be one of my relatives (Hi Mom!). But I digress. There’s something that is so beautiful about the equine form, especially when they are highly conditioned for peak performance in their discipline.
That’s where Drew comes in. Drew Doggett is a photographer, director, and producer who focuses on places, objects, and cultures at risk of disappearing. His work can be found in private and public collections globally, notably the Smithsonian African Art Museum in DC. He previously photographed and filmed unique horse breeds on Sable Island in Nova Scotia, Camargue in the South of France, and Iceland. His equestrian images have garnered a worldwide collector base and acclaim in publications such as Conde Nast Traveler and Professional Photographer Magazine.
His latest series examines polo, dressage, and jumper horses through visual references to modern fashion photography. This is his first equine studio series.
I asked Drew a few questions about his latest collection.
You spends a lot of time researching before you shoot. Can you tell me about the process for this series?
This shoot was inspired by my work with wild or semi-wild equestrian communities. I also got my start in fashion photography, so being able to mix my love of unique horse breeds and my studio background felt like a natural extension of the work I had been doing on places like Sable Island. I have exhibited my work in Wellington, which is how I became acquainted with the community and from there, things fell into place. I went back in January of 2019 to create the series.
Did any of the horse’s personalities really stand out during the sessions?
I found all the horses I photographed had natural confidence, temperament, and poise, which gave the impression they were ‘posing’ for my camera.
How did you develop your appreciation for horses? Are you a rider?
For me, horses embody freedom in a way no other animal can. I also love their persistent place in culture and mythology. As a child, I used to ride for fun while visiting my father’s family as well as on other family trips. My earliest associations with horses are happy memories, which is what started my foundation of appreciation for the equestrian community.
Thank you so much Drew for answering my questions and sharing your work! These photos are awe-inspiring, and truly demonstrate why we love these animals.
Be sure to check out the rest of the collection on his website. My favorite feature is the drool-worthy braids, featuring hunter, button and rosette. They are #braidgoals.
Drew’s equestrian photos can be seen on his dedicated equine instagram @sableislandhorses. His other work can be found on instagram at @drewdoggettphotography and on his website, Drew Doggett.