This is the most exciting development since baby was born – I can now bring her down to the barn!
I finally put up some fencing to make a little area where Bridgette can sit in her stroller and be safe from the horses. It’s not complete yet, as it turns out it is harder to put up than I thought, but it’s enough to start bringing her down.
I am over the moon about this. I can finally spend more than just precious few minutes out with the horses. Little Bridgy will be coming down, and hanging out with them. I did a trial run today, and it went great!
I’m not sure yet about actually riding, as I need to be able to tend to Bridgette at a moments notice, but I’m going to give it a few days and we will see how it goes. Maybe she’ll be super entertained and won’t cry. So far, she loves being outside, but I don’t know if she’d be happy for 30+ minutes watching me ride.
I guess we will see!