I’ve had these kids going on 6 years now, which is quite a long time. Although it really is true what they say, the days are slow but the years are fast. It went by at lightning speed.
In the beginning, my brain was total mush from the lack of sleep, and constant, ever changing needs of the kids. It was survival mode. Now, years on, I’m finally getting chances to breath and reflect. One of the things I realized is that I barely ever left the house, let alone got dressed up for anything. And frankly, I love getting dressed up. You only live once, you should look fabulous at basically any moment of your life.
It’s really not possible to expect to be dressed up at home, watching the kids. It’s not practical to chase kids and clean up kid messes in nice clothing. They also aren’t the greatest audience for good outfits, they could really care less. Although my daughter sets a great example of wearing princess dresses and fancy outfits just for a casual day at home. She’s my role model.
I was feeling like the years have turned me into a frumpy slug, so I decided this is going to be the year to step it up. Not just for formal occasions, but really all the time. I like looking well put together, even if I’m not good at it. But I think with some practice I should be good. Gotta start somewhere!
A great starting out point was this cocktail party, hosted by one of the local foxhunts. A fancy party, where everyone talks about horses is exactly the place I want to be. So I was.
And here’s some photographic proof, the one photo where you can see me.
But it’s better than poor D’Arcy, who only has the back of her head and one shoulder existing. So really I got off easy. I got a whole hand.
But we did take our own photos, proof of our existence, so we do exist. Or do we? Are we just a simulation? Does anything exist? Are we even real?
This was just step one of Stepping it Up (outfit wise). I still don’t leave the house all that much (except the barn), so there’s not that many reasons to wear more than my slug outfit. Maybe that’s also something I need to improve upon, actually leaving the house. The two go hand in hand, skipping off into the distance together.
So you may be asking yourself, “What’s your plan here? You know you have to actually do something to make a change?”
To which I would say, yes, I have a plan. I’m going to wear more tailored pieces, thoughtfully curated from the rich history of fashion history, selecting classical pieces that withstand the test of time, which you might say is just a word salad, and I would agree. I’m going for more feminine, tailored looked. That probably sums it up.
I’ll keep you updated on how that goes. This is a horse blog, so it’s really not front and center of what I post about, but frankly, I haven’t been doing much posting around here anyway, so why not? AMIRIGHT? HIGHFIVE!
(Although I am planning to post here more again, I promise. I just struggle with having enough free time to blog and make videos. Please don’t leave me.)
P.S. In the title photo, I was experimenting to see if it looked better with opera length gloves. I don’t normally wear only one glove. I decided it did not, unless I was going to a murder mystery party, in which case it looked way better, A++, highly recommend.